The artwork completed at Oakley Vale is often linked to the children’s topic work.
During their time at school children have the opportunity to create
two-dimensional work such as paintings, drawings and collages using skills
including perspective and colour mixing. They also have the opportunity to
work in a variety of materials including clay, wood, card and plaster of Paris to
make three-dimensional work. There are also opportunities at various stages
throughout the school for all children to do needlework.
As a school we believe that there should be mutual
respect between all members of our community.
Adults should be role models for good behaviour
and children should know and understand the
consequences if their behaviour falls below the
standard that we expect. Through our Forest Team
and Positive Behaviour programme we ensure that
children have opportunities to be rewarded for
positive behaviour and to set an example to others
throughout the school as a role model.
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A great deal of care is taken to ensure that each
child develops to his or her full potential and any
learning or behavioural difficulties are supported.
We work closely with parents who are kept fully
informed with regular meetings and, if appropriate
and with parental permission, we use the Early Help
Assessment (EHA) to gain information to involve
outside agencies. Our procedure for identifying,
assessing and meeting Special Educational Needs is
fully explained on our website.
All children have access to at least two hours of physical education per week. The
curriculum has been designed to ensure all children have the physical, emotional
and thinking skills required to achieve in PE, sport and life. During their time here
our children will experience a wide range of physical activities appropriate to their
age, ability and interests. Competitions take place throughout the year, both in
and out of school, which encourage children to learn how to be part of a team,
apply the conventions of fair play and honest competition and demonstrate good
sporting behaviour. PE and sport at Oakley Vale Primary School helps children to
develop a growing self-awareness, positive attitude and commitment to self-
improvement through setting goals, so that they are ultimately able to influence
their own quality of life.
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The school endeavours to give our children the chance to take part in a wide
range of musical activities. These include the opportunity to play recorders and
percussion instruments, appreciate music, sing, compose and participate in
performances. The school has a choir, which performs for parents and takes part
in local events and competitions. Children also have the opportunity to take part
in brass instrumental lessons and guitar lessons, taught by a peripatetic teacher in
school, by a separate ‘fee paying’ arrangement with the Northamptonshire Music
and Performing Arts Trust.
The PSHE framework is used to teach a range of subjects
encompassing Personal, Social and Health, which include drugs, sex
and relationship education.
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