September 2020 Re-opening

Result of the COVID-19 risk assessment for the full reopening of Oakley Vale Primary School from autumn term 2020.
Following the Government’s announcement that schools are to reopen to all students at the start of the autumn term 2020, we have been preparing our school to safely welcome back students and staff. This has involved a comprehensive risk assessment process to ensure risks continue to be effectively managed. Consideration has been given to balancing the minimisation of risks from Coronavirus (COVID-19) with providing a full educational experience for children and young people, in line with Government guidance.
Government guidance for the reopening of schools, including that for parents and carers, can be accessed here.
Oakley Vale Primary School and The Brooke Weston Trust will continue to monitor guidance and will adopt a dynamic risk management approach to ensure the operation of the school remains as safe as possible.
The results of our risk assessment are published here. We have also produced an information booklet which is intended to give you an outline of what our new school environment will look and feel like and reassure you that we will do everything we can to make school as safe as it can be for students and staff.