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Oakley Vale Primary school

Religious Education

“We live in a dynamic, ever-changing society full of different perspectives, beliefs and cultures. Learning about these things helps children to see the world clearly and helps them develop an understanding about the world and the people in it.”

~BBC news, Family and Education

RE (Religious Education) Intent 

At Oakley Vale Primary, we provide a high-quality curriculum that allows our pupils to develop their knowledge and understanding of the religions and beliefs which form part of a contemporary society. Our curriculum provokes challenging questions about the ultimate meaning and purpose of life, beliefs about God, the self and the nature of reality, issues of right and wrong, and what it means to be human. It also develops pupils’ knowledge and understanding of Christianity, of other principal religions, other religious traditions and world views that offer answers to questions such as these. We have designed our curriculum alongside Amanda Fitton, a County Adviser for Religious Education and SACRE. 

At Oakley Vale we believe that the teaching of RE will create well-rounded individuals that are understanding of different faiths and cultures. During their journey through school, children will learn about all world religions through well-planned and well-taught lessons that allow them to explore different religions and cultures. We also encourage the use of practical experiences, such as visits, visitors and the use of artefacts, in order to consolidate children’s learning and deepen their understanding, 

The teaching of RE at Oakley Vale also enhances children’s spiritual, moral and cultural development by attempting to understand how different cultures and faiths may react in different situations. We allow children to reflect on their learning and explore their own beliefs and values, encouraging them to ask and answer difficult questions about the world around us. The RE curriculum at Oakley Vale plays a massive part in preparing children for the variety of people they may encounter later in life. It also encourages children to discuss the issues between right and wrong and, whilst children may have different beliefs, they are encouraged to discuss this respectfully and sensitively to develop a deeper understanding. 

Parents/carers have the right to request that their child be withdrawn from some or all of the statutory RE curriculum. Before granting any such request, we encourage all parents/carers to discuss their feelings with the Principal who will listen and ensure that their wishes are understood.