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Oakley Vale Primary school

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  • Oakley Vale students meet best-selling author

    Published 18/03/19

    Students at Oakley Vale Primary loved meeting best-selling author Cathy Cassidy, who signed books and answered questions when she made a recent visit to a  Brooke Weston Trust  primary school.


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  • Wolves triumph in Oakley Vale car race!

    Published 11/03/19

    Well done to Wolves class whose model car proved victorious in Oakley Vale’s race as part of their Ambition for All week.

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  • Ambition for All launches at Oakley Vale

    Published 08/03/19

    The Brooke Weston Trust’s Ambition for All campaign has launched at Oakley Vale Primary School with a vehicle show, including cars, trucks and even a fire engine!

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  • Year 3s enjoy Greek Day

    Published 06/03/19

    Year 3 students dressed up as Greeks and made special clay pots to mark the end of their topic on the civilisation. Parents were also invited in to help decorate the pots and take part in the fun.

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  • Reception create wormery as part of Superheroes topic

    Published 06/03/19

    Students at Oakley Vale created a wormery as part of a project on Superheroes. The Reception children were especially fond of reading about ‘Superworm’ and so they prepared a purpose built wormery with sand and soil, ready for its new residents.

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    Published 27/02/19

    Momo challenge: Police advise over 'freaky game'

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  • Oakley Vale students thrilled with storytelling session at Lyveden Fields

    Published 14/02/19

    A group of Oakley Vale Primary school children were immersed into different worlds in a Barratt Homes show home at Lyveden Fields, whilst participating in a captivating storytelling session.

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  • Oakley Vale sports teams take part in local competitions

    Published 07/02/19

    Well done to our young sports teams who recently took part in tag rugby and curling competitions:

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  • Katie Mason appointed VP at Oakley Vale

    Published 29/01/19

    Newly appointed Vice Principal Katie Mason is looking forward to the challenge of her new role at Oakley Vale Primary School where she will have responsibility for teaching & learning and the curriculum.

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  • Becky Annetts appointed VP at Oakley Vale

    Published 29/01/19

    Oakley Vale’s new Vice Principal, Becky Annetts, has been at the school since it opened, working in a variety of areas including interim Vice Principal, before being officially appointed this month.

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  • Oakley Vale students are Superheroes!

    Published 14/01/19

    Reception class students at Oakley Vale Primary School got off to a flying start this term with their topic on Superheroes. They dressed up as their favourite characters and talked about the sort of powers they would each like to have.

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  • Tony's looking forward to joining BRIT Kids

    Published 08/01/19

    Well done to our deputy head boy, Tony Mutano, who is looking forward to starting the  BRIT Kids performing arts classes.

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