Visit by Raptor Xotics
Dave Sharpe from Raptor Xotics took his amazing animals to Oakley Vale Primary School to give Year 1 students the chance to hold them and learn more about their diet and behaviour.
Dave Sharpe from Raptor Xotics took his amazing animals to Oakley Vale Primary School to give Year 1 students the chance to hold them and learn more about their diet and behaviour.
His visit was the ‘sparkly start’ for a whole new topic on animals so he took along a tarantula, owl, snake, giant snail, frog, bullfrog and lizard.
Teacher Mandy Mutch said: ‘The students were really good, focused and well behaved and it was an opportunity for them to see a range of animals up close. The majority of them were very brave and wanted to touch them. The owl flew across the classroom which is obviously a new experience for the students. We are doing non-fiction in literacy so it was a chance for them to gather facts to inform their writing so they have got items to recall and work with.’