Making a Strong Start - the first few weeks
Making a Strong Start
We follow the Read Write Inc 'Making a Strong Start' to ensure all children make great progress learning to read when they start school at Oakley Vale.
When your child starts school in EYFS Reception, they will start learning to say and write the Read Write in Set 1 Sounds.
During the first few weeks, children will have a daily whole class Speedsound lesson where they will learn to say new sounds, practice sounds they have been taught and have opportunities to write these sounds.
These are the sounds your child will be learning:
m, a, s, d, t
i, n, p, g, o
c, k, u, b
f, e, l, h
r, j, v, y, w
z, x
Click here to learn more Learning to read with phonics in this Parent Guide (including videos to help tour and your child pronounce the sounds correctly)
While your child is learning these sounds in school you can help them by reading at home.
Your child will have a sound sheet and a book to read at home in the first few weeks of school.
A copy of the Read Write Inc Sounds they are learning in school
Practice reading and writing the sounds your child is currently learning in school.
During the first few weeks in school, your child will learn to read set one sounds in whole class lessons. Practice reading and writing the sounds with your child at home to help them become fluent.
A book to read and share
This is a high-quality book to read with or to your child and share the excitement and enjoyment of a story.
This book may include words with sounds that your child has not yet learnt or is not yet confident reading. You can read the book to them, share the story and talk about the book to help them enjoy books and stories while they are still learning new sounds and words. It is important you do not expect your child to read this book independently – it is a book to be read and shared together.